UCPD has law enforcement authority on campus property.
University Police - For emergencies, please dial 911 [You may also dial (510) 642-3333 from a cell phone for UCPD Emergency]
- UCPD has primary law enforcement jurisdiction on the campus of the University of California and associated university properties. The department is empowered as a full-service state law enforcement agency.
- You can reach UCPD at (510) 642-6760, police@berkeley.edu, http://police.berkeley.edu
- You may also contact UCPD Survivor Resource Specialist Claudia Archer for personal assistance through the reporting process. She may be reached at 510-642-9113 or ccp@berkeley.edu.
- To report non-emergency criminal activity anonymously, send a text message using CalTIP, Berkeley's text-based anonymous reporting tool, by texting (510) 664-8477 (4-TIPS).
Berkeley Police Department - For emergencies, please dial 911. [You may also dial (510) 981-5911 from a cell phone for BPD emergency]
- BPD takes reports about incidents that occur off campus.
- You can reach Berkeley Police Department at (510) 981-5900, police@cityofberkeley.info, or http://www.ci.berkeley.ca.us/police/
While UCPD does not have primary responsibility for responding to most non-University properties (Noncampus), such as fraternities, sororities and some cooperative housing, UCPD does regularly collaborate with local law enforcement agencies to respond to crimes and incidents at these locations and to collate incident data for required statistical reporting under the Clery Act.
Crimes and incidents occurring at non-University properties, even those controlled or owned by officially recognized student organizations, should be reported to the local law enforcement agency, as they have primary responsibility for taking reports and handling calls for service there.
UCPD does have primary responsibility for the following cooperatives
- Cloyne Court
- Fenwick-Weavers
- Rochdale Village
- The Convent
UCPD and the University actively monitor and inquire about police responses to all off-campus locations of this type. UCPD has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Berkeley Police Department signed by both chiefs every year, which allows for either agency to request assistance or assist as needed.