Traffic Safety and Vehicle Security

UCPD Berkeley plays an important part in helping pedestrians, motorists and all mobility device operators stay safe and secure on campus. Our primary goal is to reduce the risk of traffic collisions, which can cause significant property damage, injury, and even death. We prefer an educational approach to improving traffic safety but enforcement actions may be employed when appropriate, especially when a vehicle operator or pedestrian takes an action that causes harm or is likely to cause harm to others.  

Please respect the Walk Zones - areas of campus that become particularly congested with pedestrian traffic during the day. Dismount your vehicle and walk alongside it in the Walk Zone, or find another way around. Walk zones are identified with distinct signs and markings on the ground. Please visit the UC Berkeley Parking and Transportation Office website(link is external) for more information about Walk Zones and other traffic regulations on campus, including the UC Berkeley Traffic and Parking Code(link is external)

Our commitment to traffic safety does not end at the edge of campus. There many academic, administrative and residential University properties in the dense urban landscape around UC Berkeley, and the campus community makes up a significant portion of local pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The City of Berkeley Police Department(link is external) has primary jurisdiction and responsibility for managing the city streets, but UCPD Berkeley officers provide supplementary services and you will often see our distinctly-marked patrol vehicles in the area.

Security Considerations

Motor vehicles, bicycles and mobility devices are sometimes the target of theft on and near campus. UCPD officers and other department members regularly patrol parking areas and bicycle racks to deter criminal activity. If the option is available we recommend parking in well-lit, highly visible and frequently visited locations where the presence of others is more likely to discourage crime.

Automobiles and other vehicles with passenger compartments or storage spaces: We strongly recommend against leaving visible, valuable or important property inside unattended vehicles. Vehicles should be fully closed and locked when left parked. Smaller vehicles (e.g. motorcycles) and vehicles with less robust security features (e.g. golf carts) may deserve additional security precautions such as wheel locks, steering column locks, hidden engine shut-off switches, and tracking devices.

Bicycles and mobility devices: We encourage the use of high-quality locks, secured according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Use a secure parking facility if available. Please do not secure your bicycle or mobility device to handrails or in other locations that are likely to interfere with access for persons with disabilities. Consider registering your bicycle or device with UCPD Berkeley - applying the permanent registration decals might discourage theft and improve the chance of return if lost or stolen. To learn more, visit our Bicycle and Mobility Device Registration page. 

Please also refer to our Theft Prevention Tips page for additional advice about securing vehicles and property.