Emergency Contact
Contact |
Phone Number |
Any Emergency | 911 |
Campus-only emergency alternate | (510) 642-3333 |
TDD/TTY for any UCPD Berkeley service request (including emergencies) | 911 |
Blue Light Phone | Red button |
To report an emergency to UCPD using text-to-911:
• Go to your cell phone text messaging screen.
• Enter “911” (with no dashes or spaces) in the “To” field.
• Text your reason for the emergency.
• Text your full address and cross streets or building location.
• Use complete words and sentences, not abbreviations.
• Do not use photos, emoticons, videos, and multiple recipients (group texts).
• Answer all of the dispatcher’s questions. The dispatcher will end the chat.
Note: If a text-to-911 call is misrouted, we have the ability to transfer text-to-911 to the appropriate police agency.
Information outlets in the case of a campus emergency
Multiple different entities will be working together to ensure the proper delivery of information to campus.
Emergency Information Line | 1-800-705-9998 |
Emergency Information Website | emergency.berkeley.edu |
Emergency Information Campus Radio Station KALX FM 90.7 | kalx.berkeley.edu |
WarnMe Campus Emergency Messaging System | warnme.berkeley.edu |
Non-Emergency Contact
For business and general questions, call our 24 hour non-emergency phone number: (510) 642-6760
UCPD Office Directory
Office of the Chief
Name | Role | Phone Number | |
Yogananda Pittman | Chief of Police | (510) 642-1133 | chief.of.police@berkeley.edu |
Maria Garcia-Perez | Executive Assistant | (510) 642-7500 | mperez@berkeley.edu |
Gregory Falkner | Budget Director | (510) 643-3797 | gfalkner@berkeley.edu |
Amber Sanchez | Business Services Unit Manager | (510) 642-4304 | asanchez@berkeley.edu |
Administration Division
Name | Role | Phone Number | |
Sabrina Reich | Administrative Captain | (510) 643-1954 | sreich@berkeley.edu |
Nicole Miller | Administrative Lieutenant | (510) 642-0799 | namiller@berkeley.edu |
Jacob Westlie | Administrative Sergeant | (510) 642-1157 | jwestlie@berkeley.edu |
Dan Labat | Hiring & Training Officer | (510) 643-1810 | dlabat@berkeley.edu |
Facilities, Property, & Evidence
Name | Role | Phone Number | |
Troy Cheli | Specialist | (510) 643-8684 | tcheli@berkeley.edu |
Records & Communications
Name | Role | Phone Number | |
General number | Records Unit | (510) 642-6760 | ucpd-records@berkeley.edu |
General number | Lost & Found | (510) 642-6760 | found@berkeley.edu |
Jennifer Woods | Records & Communications Manager | (510) 642-1199 | jwoods@berkeley.edu |
Services through the Records Units work through the following hours:
Field Operations Division
Name | Role | Phone Number | |
Joey Williams | Field Operations Captain | (510) 642-1134 | joeyw@berkeley.edu |
Nicolas Hernandez | Patrol Bureau Lieutenant | (510) 664-4016 | nicher@berkeley.edu |
Bill Kasiske |
Investigations & Special Events Lieutenant |
(510) 642-9138 | kasiske@berkeley.edu |
Information Technology
Name | Role | Phone Number | |
Chris Jansen | Systems Analyst | (510) 642-9135 | cjansen@berkeley.edu |
Ken Snyder | Systems Administrator | (510) 643-6284 | kmsnyder@berkeley.edu |
Security Patrol Officer Program (SPO)
Name | Role | Phone Number | |
Oscar Lopez | SPO Supervisor | (510) 643-9192 | olopez118@berkeley.edu |
Nicole Miller | SPO Supervisor | (510) 643-9192 | nmiller@berkeley.edu |
Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) / Threat Management Unit
Name | Role | Phone Number | |
Jon Caires | Detective Sergeant | (510) 642-0482 | jcaires@berkeley.edu |
Mitch Levi | Detective | (510) 642-3658 | mlevi@berkeley.edu |
Jackson Thomsen | Detective | (510) 642-1606 | j.thomsen@berkeley.edu |
Community Service Organization (CSO)
Name | Role | Phone Number | |
To request a SafeWalk (formerly BearWalk) |
SafeWalk Night Safety Service (Dusk - 3:00AM) |
(510) 642-9255 (WALK) | Web: bearwalk.berkeley.edu |
General email | CSO Program | -- | cso@berkeley.edu |
Kevin Vincent | CSO Program Sergeant | (510) 642-6760 | kvincent@berkeley.edu |
For more information on Night Safety Services, visit nightsafety.berkeley.edu |
Special Events Unit
Name | Role | Phone Number | |
General number | Special Events | (510) 643-0795 | ucpdspecialevents@berkeley.edu |
UCPD Fax Numbers | Fax Number |
Office of the Chief / Administration | (510) 643-6434 |
Records and Services | (510) 643-4655 |
Field Operations | (510) 643-8224 |
Other Campus Resources
Survivor Resources on Campus
- Survivor Resource Website: survivorsupport.berkeley.edu
- University Health Services, Crisis Counseling for Students: (855) 817-5667
Ombuds Office
- Ombuds office for Faculty: (510) 642-4226
- Ombuds office for Staff and Non-Senate Academics: (510) 642-7823
- Ombuds office for Students: (510) 642-5754
Other Complaint Procedures on Campus
- Campus Police Review Board: (510) 642-7518
- ASUC Student Advocate's Office: (510) 642-6912
City of Berkeley Police Department
For situations or cases that do not occur on UC property, contact City of Berkeley Police Department.
Emergency Dial from a Cell Phone | (510) 981-5911 |
General Business Line | (510) 981-5900 |
For more information, visit their website at www.cityofberkeley.info/police/
Other Local Law Enforcement
Police Department | Phone Number |
Alameda County Sheriff's Department | (510) 667-7721 |
Albany Police Department | (510) 525-7300 |
BART Police Department | (510) 464-7000 |
El Cerrito Police Department | (510) 237-3233 |
Emeryville Police Department | (510) 596-3700 |
Oakland Police Department | (510) 238-3481 |
Richmond Police Department | (510) 620-6901 |
San Francisco Police Department | (415) 553-0123 |