Residence Hall Security

UCPD Berkeley is a partner to the campus Residential & Student Services Program (RSSP) in their effort to ensure safety and security at UC Berkeley residence halls.

RSSP administers a comprehensive, health, safety, and security program that includes student security monitors posted at many halls during certain times of the day and safety education for residents. Housing staff is responsible for managing access control systems and policies for non-public areas. 

UCPD Berkeley’s student CSOs often patrol the residence hall grounds at night, and police officers make regular checks. The CSOs also frequently visit the residence halls when performing SafeWalk safety escorts as part of the UC Berkeley Night Safety Services program. 

Crime statistics for UC Berkeley housing properties (as required by the Clery Act) are published each year in the campus Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.

UC Berkeley Housing - Office of Residential Life

For more information about safety and security at UC Berkeley Residence Halls, please visit: Office of Residential Life - Health & Safety: